The Last Weeks of the School Year: Our Oldest Goes to High School!
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- By Chantal
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The last weeks of the school year have arrived and this year is extra special for our family. Our oldest daughter is going to high school! It's great to see how she has grown over the past few months and how she is increasingly showing that she is completely ready for it.
As the oldest of five children, she is already quite independent. That is almost inevitable with four younger brothers and sisters. Yet, as a parent, you secretly always worry a little. Will she make it at her new school? Will she quickly find nice friends? These are questions that run through my head.
In addition, this transition naturally also involves a lot of organizing. Saying goodbye to the old primary school is emotional and a lot of preparation has to be done for the new school. I notice that I really have to write everything down so as not to forget anything important. From book lists to gym clothes, there is so much to think about. Although I would like to arrange everything perfectly, I know from experience that something always slips through. Fortunately, it is often the small things, such as buying new sneakers because the old ones have become too small.
In these busy times, it is also important to ensure that all children still have a few fun weeks at school. The pressure needs to be relieved a bit, so that they do not start the holidays overtired and overstimulated. It is a challenge, but one that we can handle.
To all parents, teachers and children: good luck with the final stages! Let us work together to ensure that the last weeks of this school year are pleasant and unforgettable. On to a new start, new adventures and above all a well-deserved holiday!
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