
My name is Chantal, I am married to Sebastiaan and together we have five children.
With three school-age children and a little one at home, my own business, hobbies, sports and housework, things can get quite hectic at times, I can tell you.
To get order out of the chaos, I write things down so I don't forget them.
In recent years I have tried different agendas, planners and notebooks to get a structured life, but I have never found the right one. And that's how the idea for Momloves2organize was born.
I was going crazy with all the loose sheets of notes on the fridge, desk and table. Calendar here and notebook with passwords there. And whenever I needed it, I couldn't remember the handy place I kept it. Recognizable?
After standing on the schoolyard for nothing for the umpteenth time (because it was a study day), taking the children walking to school while they had cycling lessons and the dentist calling where we were staying, it was time for a solution. I needed a planner where I could keep everything, absolutely everything. And why not bring the useful and the pleasant together by planning in a beautiful, stylish agenda with matching items and that personal touch?
The Momloves2organize planner is a minimalist, sleek agenda with plenty of overview and space to store everything - from all the appointments you need to remember for the whole family, to birthdays, passwords and to-do lists.
Now it is of course very nice to have a practical agenda. But how nice is it to give your planner a personal touch? That's why you can personalize the Momloves2organize agenda with various types of themed cardboards, quote cards and photo covers. Print out photos and put them in, in a few years it will still be super fun to look through your planner!
I hope that not only will I have a lot of fun and peace with this planner, but that I will also help you a little bit to get your life a little more organized. And why not bring the useful and the pleasant together by planning in a beautiful, stylish agenda with matching items and that personal touch?
Good luck and have fun planning!
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